My Projects

These are some of projects I have worked on.


Fox Bros Game

As my final project for ICS-223 (Gaming and Graphics Concepts), I created a game called Fox Bros which was inspired by the original Mario Bros game. I developed the game using Unity. It was a fun project, as I had never developed a full game before. It was very interesting to get a taste of game development, with constant testing and writing code to account for various conditions that the player may end up in.

Play (on the web) Readme


BC Highway Events

I developed a web app that allows the filtering of DriveBC Highway Events based on Area and Route. The standard DriveBC events list at doesn't provide the ability to set a filter for both Area and Route. Currently, the areas supported are Vancouver Island, Lower Mainland, and Thompson-Nicola, however, I plan to add more areas in the future.

Open Web App Changelog


GameSelect - Video Game Recommender with JavaScript, JSON, and AJAX

For this project, I created a sales funnel that recommends three video games to a user based on their preferences. I used JavaScript, JSON, and AJAX for this project. The Bootstrap framework was used for styling. I utilized the RAWG API to collect information for games such as the cover image, release date, Metacritic score, and ESRB rating.

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JS Boxes - Adding Elements and Modifying CSS Attributes with JavaScript and jQuery

This lab assignment involved creating functionality to add new boxes to the HTML page, changing the background colour of the boxes, and toggling rounded borders on the boxes using JavaScript and jQuery.

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Family Guy Quiz - Creating Quiz with JavaScript and jQuery

This lab assignment involved creating a quiz that involved using JavaScript, CSS, and jQuery. jQuery was used for the animations. This was my first assignment using jQuery which was certainly very interesting and cool!

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JavaScript Labs

This is a project site for various JavaScript Labs that were completed in my Web Scripting course. These assignments used a variety of JavaScript functionality.

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Mock Tuk-Tuk Business Site using Bootstrap

This project involved making a mock tuk-tuk business webpage with bootstrap. Although a basic site, it was exciting to develop as I had never used bootstrap before.

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Mock Web Development Company Site using HTML and CSS

This project utilized HTML and CSS to develop a site for a mock web development company. I used CSS to change the styling by using classes, ids, and div tags. The site also contains HTML forms that were styled using CSS.

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